The Heart: An Icon of Love

8 Feb

Red Heart and Two White Pigeons


I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier, I know that the clubs are weapons of war, I know that diamonds mean money for this art, but that’s not the shape of my heart. – From the song Shape of My Heart, composed by Sting and Dominic Miller 1993

In the various schools of thought regarding feng shui, many will use symbols to enhance an environment in a prosperous way. From a scientific standpoint, however, this does not always work. A symbol will only have true, beneficial value if the person (or persons) in the space have a positive connection to it. Or, at the very least, they shouldn’t have negative connotations to the symbol. There are several different figures or icons that represent a wide variety of things. One icon that seems to dominate the world at present is the heart.

It has not been clearly defined as to when society first adopted the heart motif as a symbol for romance, adoration, and love. The Romans, Greeks, Egyptians and early North Americans all felt, to some extent, that the heart was the center of life and mortality. Catholicism has long used the heart to represent heavenly love, and is often seen in religious paintings depicting Jesus with a glowing heart. In the Voodoo faith, the heart is a main symbol for Erzulie, goddess of love, purity and beauty. Yet others claim that the heart shape is connected to the sex organs or select body parts of both genders. Regardless of its origins, the heart is a timeless symbol for devotion and amour. And, when used correctly, can attract positive affection.

Here are some ways to add more heartfelt energy to your environment:

Falling forYou 02

James McElroy

  • Heartwarming Art. Visual art is one of the fastest and easiest way to encompass more hearts into your space. Be it photography, fine art, a poster, or a vintage postcard, any image with a heart that speaks to you can help immensely.

Roger's Red Velvet Heart

Rogers’ Chocolates

  • A Box of Chocolate. A tried-and-true classic; a chocolate box in the shape of a heart. Whether buying it as a gift for another or as a luxury for oneself, this is a highly sweet way to bring more romantic chi to your area. And, once the decadent chocolate has been consumed, the box can be reused for a variety of purposes. Bright Hub has a great article on how to reuse the boxes here:

Tiffany Heart Peacock Lamp


  • Turn on Your Heart Light. Lamps are another great way to encompass heart energy into a home, with the impressive energy of fire to fan the passionate flames. And a lamp with a heart motif is highly uncommon in most households. Living in a modern space? Try a neon heart-shaped light fitting available at,, for a modern and fun way to incoporate hearts into your space.

Heartthrob Viola

Garden Web

  • Plants. One theory about heart symbolism dates back to the Greeks and Romans. Silphium, a now-extinct plant of the giant fennel family, had seed-pods in the shape of hearts. In the city-state of Cyrene, this was a highly profitable export as a spice in cooking. But it also had another use – as a form of contraceptive. The day after sex, a woman would eat the cooked plant and it’s seeds. Though there is no concrete evidence to suggest it worked, the literature of the era supports that it did. Silphium was so popular to the area’s finances that they had coins minted with the seed-pod, or heart, on one side. So the heart may have first been associated with sex, and then love. Though Silphium is no longer, there are many other plants that have heart shapes, such as Heartthrob Violas (pictured above). More information on heartwarming plants can be found at Plant Lust:


Debra Prinzing

  • Out in the Garden. Embrace strong hearts in things that reside outside as well as in. Heart-shaped topiary, bird baths, seating and trellises are some of the many ways to bring the heart icon out-of-doors. Pots and containers can also have heart-influence, like the terra cotta vessel pictured above.

Heart Boxer ShortsTarget

  • Wear a Heart on Your Sleeve. Clothing can add more romantic energy to your actual body. Find something stylish with a heart on it that exemplifies your own personal taste. (I have a red tie with hearts all over it I wear throughout February.) You could even buy a pair of these custom face boxer and get the face of someone you love on your boxers! Jewelry is another possibility, and can have the same effect. There are many different options to choose from, just make sure you truly love the item in question.

Red Sweetheart Chair


  • Furniture and Bedding. Linens, furniture and upholstery is an even further option to adding more heart chi to your environment. I would use this form of heart decor sparingly, however, as too much heart can be a little overwhelming. But a couple of select items can add great energy to a room.

Leopard Heart Decal


When used properly, hearts can attract highly beneficial romantic chi. However, like any other symbol or icon, a heart will only work if those in the space have some kind of connotation towards it. Being that the heart is a nearly universal symbol for love and adoration, most people generally have a connection to it already. Try adding a heart somewhere to your environment or clothing, and wait to see the love-filled results unfold.

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